- We do not replace your Sport Coach.
- Our Training Plan aims to fill-in the “gaps” in your training protocol, or fitness level, so you can level-up!
- We are an “assistant coach” to your existing coach, with the job to prepare you on those things your coach doesn’t have the time to work on! (Strength, Flexibility, Recovery/Rehabilitation, Stamina etc.)
- In case you need a full training plan, this is only available to certain sports we specialize at! (See list below)
- We do not JUST SEND training sessions to follow.
- Training sessions can be prepared by anyone.
- WE EVALAUTE: The General Physical Preparedness and special skills demanded by the sport in question and we update our evaluations constantly.
- WE DESIGN: With you a target based training plan, realistic and fully adjusted to your everyday challenges, that can be modified if needed!
- WE MONITOR: Using state-of-the-art tools, so we don’t just ask you to perform, the same time we are monitoring your performance!
- The novice/amateur athlete benefits the most from our services
- Shed the weight of “What to do/ Do I do it right?” and focus on your performance!
- What’s more, by interacting with us you gain experience and knowledge, a lot of Professional Athletes would love to have earlier in their careers!
- There are always way to perform better and even more: you can always optimize performance!
- Why don’t you continue performing at a high level, by spending less time and resources and maybe: try new things that will boost your performance!
- We always use the latest scientifically proven methods as well as modern tools in the world. Something hard for an individual but not so much for a Board of Professionals!